I have a confession to make. I kinda feel badly for Tori Spelling. In the last year or so she’s really grown on me. I used to feel sorta badly for her in the “oh you’re pathetic and that makes me sad for you” way. But I’m not even sure why but I really genuinely honestly like her. And I feel like I tend to error on the side of caution and dislike celebs until proven otherwise. At best I’m neutral. So I don’t feel like I’m being misled here… I don’t think. Frankly I think she’s a lot more likable now that she’s never associated (at least in a positive way) with her mother. I mean isn’t Candy Spelling known at the biggest bitch in Hollywood? Haven’t people been making jokes about her gift wrapping room since the early nineties? And she just has such a harsh, fugly face.
I remember the only time I ever heard my dad say something clearly derogatory about a stranger’s appearance was about how he couldn’t even stand to look at Tori Spelling’s face. And he said it with this tone of anger. At the time it was pretty funny, but now I think maybe that’s part of why I like her. She’s relatable. Um, not that I have a bug face, mind you. But she’s just a little off from gorgeous. And let me be clear, I still think she’s beautiful – but in Hollywood if you’re less than 100% you’re nothing at all.
So Star did this big story about how Dean doesn’t love Tori because of her looks, and kissing her is like making out with Mister Ed or whatever. I can’t put my finger on it – maybe it’s the bug thing – but I’ve always thought if Tori looked like anything, it’s a ladybug. And that’s obviously not an insult, and is somehow the most apt description to me. Anyway, while I’m assuming the story obviously hurt Tori’s feelings a lot – I mean she’s human, how could it not? – she’s handled it with grace. Ahhh, grace. That’s why I like her now – she’s handled a lot of drama with class and graciousness, and she seems to give that out more than she gets it back. So Tori did the same thing about Star’s story and Tweeted about how she just laughed it off.
Tori Spelling isn’t taking the latest nasty tabloid tale about her sitting down. No, she’s grabbing her BlackBerry and telling her Twitter followers to ignore the “lies” contained in a new Star magazine article about her marriage to Dean McDermott.
In the article, Michael Olifiers, a “friend” of McDermott’s claims Dean is only with Tori “for the money and the fame” and sees her as a “ticket” to attaining Hollywood comforts. He also says Mr. Spelling shudders at Tori’s appearance, often saying: “I can’t believe I have to kiss her. She looks like a horse!” In a series of Tweets, Spelling spells out her feelings on the matter.”
[From Popeater]
Here are the actual Tweets:
LayingN bed w/myhubby&Liam asleep b/tw us. I’m reading2Dean all the amazing comments our tweet family have sent. Thnx4all the love&support!
9:52 PM Sep 2nd from TwitterBerry
@DENISE_RICHARDS thank you my friend! I know you know first hand the lies that are written. Happiness is the best revenge on the haters!
9:47 PM Sep 2nd from TwitterBerry
Dean&I read STAR 2gthr&were grossed out@uncreative lies but made us appreciateR life&love more&made us sad4those tht spread lies.Bad Mo Jo!
Just got word tht STAR Mag WillB running a story tomorrow about my “Loveless Marriage” R they kiddin? DON’T believe! Uggh.Hate tabloid lies!
2:09 PM Sep 1st from TwitterBerry
[From Tori Spelling’s Twitter]
I do agree with Tori that the best revenge is a life well lived. But not even in the revenge sense – it’s just about not letting drama and negativity affect your life. It shows loser people (or H8ers, since we’re being all Twitter about this) how little they matter. I’m sure the stuff with her mom does hurt. But whatever went down between them, Tori’s an adult, and she seems to have built a happy life for herself. Just because she’s THE child doesn’t mean she’s A child. And considering how despicably Candy has behaved publicly, it’s pretty clear who’s got the better head on her shoulders. I have no idea how celebs manage not to let this stuff consume them, but huge credit to Tori for having bigger and better things going on in her life.
Here are some cute pictures Tori’s posted on her Twitter in the last three days.