How tall is Jason Isaacs

English actor, best known for films like The Patriot, Harry Potter, Armageddon, Event Horizon, Blackhawk Down and Soldier. On TV he appeared in Star Trek: Discovery, Brotherhood and Awake. On his Spotlight resume he was listed: "Height: 5'11" (180cm), Weight: 12st. (76kg)". In this convention photo I had near 1/4 inch more sneaker than him. How tall is Jason Isaacs5ft 8 Rob and Jason (age 55) @ Star Trek Destination, 2018
I'm 5ft 10ins, so I'm hardly small, but everyone I speak to says, 'You're playing Mike [Steel]? Have you met him? He's huge!'
-- The Mirror, 2001 How tall is Jason Isaacs5ft 8 Rob and Jason @ Destination Star Trek, Birmingham NEC 2018
