First Look: January Jones Son Xander


First Look at January Jones' Baby Boy XanderJanuary Jones’ baby boy Xander made his first public appearance in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Jones was seen carrying Xander out of an office building.  Perhaps, Xander was getting his one-month check-up!

Jones also took Xander to the set of Madmen on Tuesday.  It was her first day back to work  since giving birth.

My name is Robyn. I'm a professional blogger and full-time juggler of a 6-year-old + twin toddlers! On Celeb Baby Laundry, I write about topics that interest moms - pregnancy, mommyhood, living the Disney life, family travel, recipes, crafts and a dash of the latest celeb mom news! One of my greatest hopes is to show other parents that it is possible to balance everyday life with parenthood. You can enjoy life while sharing it with the best people of all - your children!
