Lily Allen shows off third nipple, says it gets hard

Nipple scene is around 2:20 into this video
Not content to just show off her other two, more prominent nipples, Lily Allen showed a Dutch television presenter her supernumerary nipple. The guy won her over by joking about his weight. He then asked her if it’s true she had a third nipple, and she showed it to him, it’s under her left breast. She also felt compelled to share the fact that the extra nipple gets hard when you touch it, just like the main two.

I like Lily Allen’s brand of sweet pop music. Unlike a lot of other stuff you’re assaulted with on the radio and in supermarkets, it doesn’t get on my nerves. Lily herself is annoying, though, and she seems to use attention-getting tactics constantly.

This isn’t the first time Allen has showed off her nipple. She revealed it in 2007 during an appearance on British comedy show “The Friday Night Project.” Other celebrities with third nipples include Mark Wahlberg and Carrie Underwood.
