Jeffrey Dean Morgan said it broke his heart to leave "Grey's Anatomy" after an unforgettable season of playing the role of Denny Duquette. In his interview with The Los Angeles Times in 2006, the actor said he didn't expect to become so attached to his character and his co-stars. "I had no idea what it would be like ... It was the only time in my career when I didn't mind getting up at 5:30 in the morning, didn't mind the 16-hour days. I couldn't believe it," he said. While he knew his time with the show would be short-lived, Morgan said he tried everything to stay. Appearing on the YouTube show "Hot Ones" last May, Morgan admitted to pleading with show-runner Shonda Rhimes to consider letting his character live. "I was like, 'Please don't kill me! I will do anything,'" he said. "I did. I begged her."
It goes without saying that Morgan's role in "Grey's Anatomy" is one that he holds close to his chest — even to this day. "Grey's Anatomy, I knew was something special," Morgan said. "That character Denny and that love story with Izzie took the world by storm. I knew how f**king lucky I was to be there." He then credited the show for changing his life. "Being Denny, where I never got out of bed, is why Zack Snyder hired me to be the Comedian [in the 2009 film 'Watchmen']," the actor revealed on the podcast. "That's how special that was."