Phonograms Definition
a symbol representing a vocal sound. Phono means sound and gram means picture.
Single Letter Phonograms for a
ă = mapā = makeä = ballMulti-Letter Phonogram for ai
ā = paidMulti-Letter Phonogram for ar
är = carMulti-Letter Phonogram for au
ä = authorMulti-Letter Phonograms for augh
ä = taughtăf = laughMulti-Letter Phonogram for aw
ä = rawMulti-Letter Phonogram for ay
ā = traySingle Letter Phonogram for b
b = batMulti-Letter Phonogram for bu
b = buySingle Letter Phonograms for c
k = cats = centMulti-Letter Phonogram for cei
sē = deceiveMulti-Letter Phonograms for ch
ch = childk = schoolsh = chefMulti-Letter Phonogram for ci
sh = spaciousMulti-Letter Phonogram for ck
k = backSingle Letter Phonogram for d
d = dadMulti-Letter Phonogram for dge
j = edgeSingle Letter Phonograms for e
ĕ = tentē = beMulti-Letter Phonograms for ea
ē = eatĕ = breadā = steakMulti-Letter Phonogram for ear
er = searchMulti-Letter Phonograms for ed
ĕd = tradedd = pulledt = pickedMulti-Letter Phonogram for ee
ē = treeMulti-Letter Phonograms for ei
ā = theirē = proteinī = feistyMulti-Letter Phonograms for eigh
ā = eightī = heightMulti-Letter Phonogram for er
er = herMulti-Letter Phonograms for es
ĕz = brushesz = fliesMulti-Letter Phonograms for ew
ö = flewū = fewMulti-Letter Phonograms for ey
ā = theyē = keySingle Letter Phonogram for f
f = footSingle Letter Phonograms for g
g = bigj = gymMulti-Letter Phonogram for gn
n = signMulti-Letter Phonograms for gu
g = guidegw = languageSingle Letter Phonogram for h
h = hatSingle Letter Phonograms for i
ĭ = itī = ivyē = stadiumy = onionMulti-Letter Phonogram for ie
ī = fieldMulti-Letter Phonogram for igh
ī = nightMulti-Letter Phonogram for ir
er = birdSingle Letter Phonogram for j
j = jobSingle Letter Phonogram for k
k = kitMulti-Letter Phonogram for kn
n = knowSingle Letter Phonogram for l
l = lampSingle Letter Phonogram for m
m = meSingle Letter Phonogram for n
n = nutMulti-Letter Phonogram for ng
ng = singSingle Letter Phonograms for o
ŏ = onō = goö = doMulti-Letter Phonogram for oa
ō = boatMulti-Letter Phonograms for oe
ō = toeö = shoeMulti-Letter Phonogram for oi
oi = boilMulti-Letter Phonograms for oo
ö = foodü = bookō = floorMulti-Letter Phonogram for or
ō = lordMulti-Letter Phonograms for ou
ow = houseō = soulö = groupŭ = countryü = couldMulti-Letter Phonograms for ough
ŏ = thoughtō = thoughö = throughow = boughŭf = roughŏf = troughMulti-Letter Phonograms for ow
ow = plowō = snowMulti-Letter Phonogram for oy
oi = boySingle Letter Phonogram for p
p = panMulti-Letter Phonogram for ph
f = phoneMulti-Letter Phonogram for qu
kw = queenSingle Letter Phonogram for r
r = ranSingle Letter Phonograms for s
s = sentz = asMulti-Letter Phonogram for sh
sh = sheMulti-Letter Phonograms for si
sh = sessionzh = divisionSingle Letter Phonogram for t
t = tipMulti-Letter Phonogram for tch
ch = butcherMulti-Letter Phonograms for th
th = thinTH = thisMulti-Letter Phonogram for ti
sh = partialSingle Letter Phonograms for u
ŭ = upū = pupilö = fluteü = putMulti-Letter Phonogram for ui
ö = fruitMulti-Letter Phonogram for ur
er = hurtSingle Letter Phonogram for v
v = vanSingle Letter Phonogram for w
w = wallMulti-Letter Phonogram for wh
wh = whisperMulti-Letter Phonogram for wor
wer = wormMulti-Letter Phonogram for wr
r = writeSingle Letter Phonograms for x
ks = foxz = xylophoneSingle Letter Phonograms for y
y = yardĭ = gymī = byē = babySingle Letter Phonogram for z
z = zipHow does the Phonograms Calculator work?
Free Phonograms Calculator - Shows the 75 basic phonograms of the English language
What 6 concepts are covered in the Phonograms Calculator?
consonantSounds which are blocked by the tongue, teeth, or lips in some way.
B, C, D, F, H, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Zlettera character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.phonograma symbol representing a vocal sound. Phono means sound and gram means picture.syllableAn uninterrupted segment of sound which is formed by the opening and closing of the mouth to form vowels.vowelA sound the is produced when the mouth is open and not blocked by the lips, teeth, or tongue
a, e, i, o, uworda single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing that carries a distinct meaning
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