Anthony Mackie was tricked into saying that racial profiling stuff, you guys

Anthony Mackie

Anthony Mackie’s all over the place promoting Black and White. He’s doing all the heavy lifting for this film, and it’s turning into a major disaster. He hit up Today and Jimmy Kimmel (where he talked about getting in trouble for signing some Falcon posters at a crafts store). Those appearances were breezy, light-hearted, and a PR agent’s dream.

(Note: I have an update at the bottom of this post about Mackie’s thoughts on gender roles. He’s very … old fashioned.)

No one’s talking about those talk shows right now. Mackie made sure of that when he gave an interview to the Grio. He said questionable things about Selma‘s Oscar snubs, racial profiling, and dreadlocks. Blowback happened, and now Mackie’s upset that everyone got upset at him. Mackie already distrusts the internet (he said so in this Philly Comic-Con video), and this won’t help matters.

Mackie followed up on the controversy by speaking with Electronic Urban Report. Mackie believes he was tricked by the Grio. He thought he was simply hanging out and talking on camera. That’s all! He didn’t expect to be quoted:

I felt that we could sit and have a candid conversation about race and he wouldn’t take soundbites. He would let the entire conversation live. And he didn’t. And that’s what frustrates me … Mr. Witherspoon really p*ssed me off because I trusted him and he lied.”

[From Electronic Urban Report]

His explanation makes no sense. Mackie knew he was being interviewed. He doesn’t deny saying those things and isn’t pulling the “out of context” card. He’s simply shocked the Grio reported his words, which is what happens when a celebrity does press for a movie.

The Grio is sticking by their journo, Editor Chris Witherspoon. “Nothing could be further from the truth” than Mackie’s claim of being “lied” to, and they produced the unedited video of the interview. BAM. Mackie forced their hand to his detriment. This video includes more awkward statements like, “We’re living in a society … I feel if you’re still focused on race, you’re a Beta machine in the world of DVDs.”

Here’s the interview where Mackie claims The Grio lied to him.

Update: Mackie just can’t stop talking about stuff other than his movie. Pajiba has his Wendy Williams appearance where he talks about how a woman’s place is to “make Daddy a sandwich.” Oh, Mackie. I thought we were tight.

Anthony Mackie

Photos courtesy of WENN
